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The Trusted Name in Alternative Risk Transfer

Apex Excess & Surplus 




Apex is a valued added approach to alternative risk transfer. Our insurance coverage provides protection against non-traditional business risk in a more efficient way than the commercial market or self insurance.


Our tested approach to insurance underwriting continues to generate extraordinary results for our clients including, but not limited to, insurance cost savings with earned premium refunds, increases in cash flow and diversification of risk. Explore the possibilities and allow yourself to find value for your business today. 


Apex is an Excess & Surplus Line—Alternative Risk Transfer method to insure non-traditional business risks, particularly those risks that are typically self-insured (or are unavailable or too costly in the commercial market), on a cash flow efficient basis.


Apex is a proven approach to alternative risk insurance underwriting. The fully integrated insurance arrangement is a composite of the benefits of alternative risk transfer, traditional P&C underwriting, and premium financing, which in turn creates a more efficient non-traditional business risk insurance model. 


What is Apex?


Not your typical P&C cover.

Apex is different than traditional P&C line insurance in three important ways:


->Apex provides for a 90% return of earned premium based on underwriting experience;


->Lines of coverage provided through Apex are for typically self-insured risks or risks that are too expensive or otherwise unavailable commercially; and


-> Apex offers the ability to lower premium funding levels by financing a majority of non-traditional risk insurance premiums.

Apex is different from other Alternative Risk Transfer structures:


Since Apex returns up to 90% of earned premium and requires only a minimum cash outlay, businesses can operate more efficiently with substantially increased cash flow covering non-traditional business risk.


Here's How Apex Stands-Out:


-> No capital requirement

-> No startup, no ongoing expenses 

-> Premium financing available   

-> No limitation on coverage amounts 

-> Only one year of coverage required



Get all the benefits. 

A few benefits of the innovative Excess & Surplus (E&S) market include:


-> Standard Market Alternative: E&S carriers willing to accept coverage when the standard market declines the risk.


-> Market Acceptance of Risk: E&S carriers willing to accept unfamiliar business risks at competitive rates. 


-> Anticipation of New Risks: E&S carriers develop new products, provide alternatives in the market and offer a method to secure cover for unique risk exposures.


-> Risk Pricing: E&S carriers develop premium for unique and large risks, sometimes with limited historical loss data.


->Tailored Solutions: E&S carriers offer flexibility to tailor coverages to meet the needs of policyholders within their overall risk management plan. 


Over 80% of Fortune 500 firms use ART

Some distinguishing characteristics of Alternative Risk Transfer (ART), as compared to traditional insurance or a pure insurance contract, may include, but are not limited to:


-> Earned premiums are typically retained by the premium payor. 


-> Insured has the opportunity to engage in a unique, customized and individual underwriting, i.e., lines of coverage will vary depending on types of risk to which a business may be exposed. 


->Insured has access to coverage for risks the conventional insurance market may consider uninsurable or too costly to insure through traditional methods. 

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